berlin19 is a vacation rental in the heart of Berlin Kreuzberg/berlin19 ist eine Ferienwohnung im Herzen von Berlin Kreuzberg.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

pop-up restaurant in Berlin

British set designer Tony Hornecker prepares dinner at his restaurant "The Pale Blue Door" in Berlin, September 12, 2010. A British set designer has taken his love for art, added some food, and opened a temporary pop-up restaurant -- made with scrap materials scavenged from the streets -- in one of Berlin's central community gardens. Tony Hornecker, the mastermind behind the thriving shanty town-style restaurant "The Pale Blue Door", said that he does not make any profits with his fanciful underground restaurant, but feels that he is giving Berlin a unique attraction.

For some reason I could find the exact location. Has anybody been there?


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